I’ve done a bit of a mini internet trawl and come across a few online reviews for VEGA$M…
Read The Stage review here
“What looks like the Scissor Sisters’ demented acid cousins present a kitsch Vegas show dripping with camp and loaded with more laughs than a fruit machine full of dogs in hats…”
…the Chortle review here
“Gawkagogo, one of the most distinctive – if not the most distinctive – comedy groups in the country, produce a typically over-the-top and twisted mouthpiece for their imaginative and artistic creations…”
…and what the punters are saying (good and bad!) here.
As well as doing the show and various cabaret gigs ( Robin Ince‘s Book Club, The Odditorium at Spank! and The Vaudeville Cabaret at The Bongo Club) we seem to have ended up performing in one of Arthur Smith‘s famous Edinburgh walks. This year it’s Swan Lake. Very silly and – yesterday – rather rainy, but definitely an experience for all involved – performers, punters and passers-by alike!
More soon…?