Greetings from glorious Edinburgh!
I arrived with an hour to spare via the ever Mega Megabus last night and am well and truly settled in to my new home for the next few weeks. How lovely is the view 30 seconds from my digs…?!
The plan is that I’ll keep this here news page pretty regularly up to date (more so than usual) with my Fringey goings on…
I had a grand tech run this afternoon at The Bongo Club and got the first glance at the flyers for my show, designed by Paul Garner. I am bouncing about rather excitedly/in a daze.
The promo video is all done and uploaded and you can view its wonder here:
Big thanks to Geoffrey Sautner for doing the biz.
The preview of Fabled at Theatre503 was a resounding success, with me sweating off pretty much all of my make up (stingy eyes owwwwww!) and I’m PUMPED to give it my all for everyone who comes to be Fabled over the next month.
In a moment of madness today, I thought I’d start doing an Edinburgh Fringe video diary. FIRST INSTALLMENT HERE. Who knows how regular this will be!
In other news, I’m now booked to do Gypsy Hotel on the 15th of September and there’ll be plentiful amounts of cabaret dates throughout this month at the Fringe. I’ve also gone and put my songs on MySpace.
August, here I come…