Love song and new show


I’ve been happily procrastinating in a useful way.  Aside from a few mini website tweeks, I’ve uploaded my latest song to my singing page.  It’s called ‘Lovesong 333‘ and I recorded it on Sunday with my trusty bro.  I wrote it in time for February’s Village Green Preservation Society.  Very pleased with how it turned out 🙂

In big news: I’m definitely going to be doing a new show for the Edinburgh Fringe this year!  More news when I have it.

Must… continue… to write… show…

A very Lane-y new year

Happy slightly new year all!

2011 ain’t been too bad for me so far.  A few bits have been going on…

I made another appearance at the Village Green Preservation Society at the end of January with a Lois of the Lane based guitar/voice over happening which, despite being very last minute, seemed to work!  This was a very, very basic try out of an idea I have for a new full length show this year that I want to take up to the Edinburgh Fringe in August if I can scrape together the monies.  Watch this space!  (I am very excited about it…)

I’ve finally created a Facebook page for Lois of the Lane.  You can find her here:

Lois of the Lane

Promote your Page too

I’ve also just uploaded the versions of ‘Me and Mr Bones’ and ‘The Last Two Zombies in the World’ that I recorded for The Other Woman Podcast.  You can find ’em on my singing page.

Onwards into February…